Enewetak atoll
Enewetak atoll

enewetak atoll

Noshkin, Radiological and Chemical Studies of Groundwater at Enewetak Atoll, 2. Delvaux, '‘Mobility of radiocaesium in three distinct forest floors’' Sci. Thompson, '‘Migration of plutonium in groundwater at the Nevada Test Site’' Nature (1999) Google Scholar International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), The Radiological Situation at the Atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa (1998) Google Scholar McAninch, '‘The plutonium isotopic composition of marine biota on Enewetak Atoll: a preliminary assessment’' J. Henry, Individual Radiation Protection Monitoring in the Marshall Islands: Enewetak Atoll (2005–2006) (2007) Google Scholar Betti, '‘Frequency distribution, isotopic composition and physical characterization of plutonium-bearing particles from the fig-Quince zone on Runit Island, Enewetak Atoll’' J. Al Mahamid, '‘Sorption of fission product radionuclides, Cs-137 and Sr-90, by Savannah River site sediments impregnated with colloidal silica’' Radiochim. Friedman Ed., '‘The migration of plutonium and americium in the lithosphere’' (1976) Google Scholar Pedersen, '‘Retention of strontium, cesium, lead and uranium by bacterial iron oxides from a subterranean environment’' Appl. Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), The Radiological Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll (1981) Google Scholar Hamilton, An Historical Perspective on Technical and Scientific Issues Related to the Runit Island Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site (Runit Dome) on Enewetak Atoll (2008) Google Scholar Friedman Ed., '‘Biological pathways and chemical behavior of plutonium and other actinides in the environment’' (1976) Google Scholar Suoko, '‘Radioactive contamination at Chelyabinsk-65, Russia’' Annual Reviews of Energy and Environment (1993) Google Scholar Zygmunt, '‘The influence of the sorptive properties of organic soils on the migration rate ofĬs’' J.

enewetak atoll

Mankarios, '‘Pre-assessment of the speciation ofĪm in a contaminated aquifer’' J. Skal’skij, '‘Risks from radionuclide migration to groundwater in the chernobyl 30-km zone’' Health Phys.

enewetak atoll

Quinn Ed., '‘Hydrogeology of Enewetak Atoll’' Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands (1997) Google Scholar Holladay, '‘Atoll hydrology: Island groundwater characteristics and their relationship in diagenesis’' Paper presented at Proceedings Third International Coral Reef Symposium (1977) Google Scholar Shanks, '‘Interaction of plutonium with complexing substances in soils and natural waters’' Paper presented at Proceedings of a Symposium on Transuranium Nuclides in the Environment (1976) Google Scholar Hamilton, '‘A whole body counting facility in a remote Enewetak Island setting’' The Radiation Safety Journal, Health Phys. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Enewetak Radiological Survey (1973) Google Scholar Struillou, '‘New sorbing grouts for radioactive and toxic heavy metals’' Engineer. Radionuclide migration is likely facilitated by colloids and dissolution/complexation reactions under low-pH anoxic conditions. Furthermore, evidence indicates open hydraulic communication between waste and intruding ocean water, with migration pathways leading to local groundwater and circulating lagoon waters. Currently, the US Department of Energy conducts comprehensive radiological monitoring of people living on Enewetak Atoll, but characterisation of exposure risks posed by Runit Dome have been limited to catastrophic release scenarios and periodic atoll-wide environmental surveys. Cleanup entailed removal and collection of ~545 GBq of contaminated topsoil, vegetation, and debris (concrete and metal) that was subsequently entombed within an unlined crater produced by an 18 kT surface test and capped with a concrete dome. In the early 1970s after extensive characterisation of fallout the US Pacific Proving Grounds located at Enewetak Atoll began rehabilitation in preparation for the return of indigenous people who were relocated during the Cold War.

Enewetak atoll